Contemporaries in the Holy Roman Empire
Ferri IV, 1312-1329
Quart de gros n. d., "Spadin", Nancy. Ø mm, ca.0,9 g. Flon 394/4; de Saulcy pl.3/fig.23. Obv.: + - F D - VX LOTO - R - standing duke with helmet, sword and arms on his shield. Next to him a vertical band with three eagles on top of each other. Rev.: ᙏOnᗺTA - D nAᗭᗺI - Vertical ribbon with the three eagles of Lorraine, next to a sword. |
Gros n. d., Saint Mihiel. Ø 25 mm, 2,21 g. Flon 487/1; de Saulcy pl.10/fig.10; Boudeau 1494. Obv.: Rᗺn'AT' - D - BAR ᙏ'·P'·CO' - René standing facing, holding sword and shield. Quartered shield: Anjou / Bar; inescutcheon: Lorraine. Rev.: + SIT nOᙏᗺn : DOᙏInI : BᗺnᗺDIctum "The name of the Lord be praised for ever and ever" ᙏOn - ᗺTA - S ᙏI - ᗭhA "Moneta St. Mihiel" - Cross pattée.
Pacifico de oro n. d., Barcelona (ducat, since 1465). Ø 24 mm, 3,37 g. Cayón 1929; Friedb.27. Obv.: +RENAT9us PRIM DEI GRA REX·ARAGO Crowned bust from the front with a lily scepter on his shoulder. Rev.: +DEVS IN ADIVTOR MEVM:INTENDE "let God be my helper" Crowned Aragón coat of arms in a multipass. The coin name "Pacifico" reflects the desire for pacification.
1/4 Pacifico de oro n. d., Barcelona (1/4 ducat). Ø 16 mm, 0,83 g. Cayon 1931; Friedb.29. +RENAT9us P9 DEI GRA REX ARA // DE9I ADIVTOR MEV ITENDE
Cast bronze medal 1461, by Pietro da Milano. Ø 81 mm, 137,14 g. Armand I 39/3. Recast with casting error, without reverse (date and signature). RENATVS·DEI·GRACIA·IHERVSALEM·ET·SICILIE·REX·ET CETERA Corpus numismatique des Alpes de Haute-Provence presents this medal
(double sided specimen preserved in the Bargello, Milan) and further medals on René I. Compare the portrait from 1474, detail of the Matheron Diptych, at the Louvre. Wikipedia presents another contemporary portrait with the coat of arms that René I bore in 1434-43:
Teston. Ø 28 ? mm, ca. 10 g. de Saulcy pl.13/fig.2, extremely rare. Obv.: +REnATVS:D:G:REX:SICILLIE:LOT:DVX - crowned bust with coat, to the right. Rev.: +ADIVVA:nOS:DEVS:SALVATRIS:nOST' "Help us God our Savior" Crowned shield, in the middle the coat of arms of Lorraine, as can be better identified on next coin. |
Florin 1515, Nancy. Ø ca.24 mm. de Saulcy pl.15/fig.14 (3,67 g); Friedb.142. Obv.: AnThonius:CALABriae:LOTharingiae:Z:Barri:DVX - crowned youthful bust (perfect layout!). Rev.: ‡FLOR:nAnCEII:CVSVS:1515 "Floren minted in Nancy" Crowned shield with several arms: above: Old Hungary, Anjou-Naples, Jerusalem, Old Provence (= Aragón), below: Anjou (framed lilies) und Bar (2 curved fish between crosses), inescutcheon in the middle: Lorraine (inclined beam with three eagles). The House of Anjou followed the Normans in Apulia in 1297. Antoine was born Duke of Calabria.
1/4 Teston 1523, Nancy. Ø 24 mm. de Saulcy pl.15/fig.12. Obv.: ‡ANTHOn◦LOThOҰ:ET◦BAҰ◦DVX ( Ұ = R ) Rev.: Crowned coat of arms between Crosses of Lorraine (sign of René I of Anjou, 1431). In the section the date 1523.
Teston 1532, Nancy. Ø 29 mm, 9,39 g. de Saulcy pl.15/fig.16. Obv.: ‡ANTHON◦∂◦G◦LOTOҰ◦Z◦BAҰ ∂VX Rev.: MONETA◦NANCEII◦CVSA "money minted in Nancy" - Date 1532 in the exergue. Shield with several arms, above: Old Hungary, Anjou-Naples, Jerusalem, Old Provence (= Aragón), below: Anjou (framed lilies) und Bar (2 curved fish between crosses), inescutcheon placed in the middle: Lorraine (inclined beam with three eagles).
Grand écu n. d., Nancy. Ø 44 mm, 30,90 g. de Saulcy pl.16/fig.2; Flon 9; Dav.9381. Obv.: ‡ANTHONIVS:∂ei:Gratia:LOTHOҰingiae:ET:BARI:∂VX ( Ұ = R ) Rev.: The crowned coat of arms of Lorraine surrounded by another 8 coats of arms: The lilies stand for Anjou (8h) or Anjou-Naples (1h), the fish for Bar (4h) and Pfirt (5h).
Demi écu n. d., Nancy. Ø ca.31 mm, 14,12 g. de Saulcy pl.16/fig.3. Obv.: ✥ANTHO9·∂VX·CALABҰ·LOTHOҰ·Z·B: ( Ұ = R ) Crowned effigy in armor with raised sword. Rev.: MONETA - NANCEI - Inclined shield with crowned helmet and coat, on top an eagle.
Silver medal n. d. by Matteo del Massaro(?) Ø 41,5 mm. Kress Coll.539 (Ø 42 mm), Köhler VIII (1736) 33 Obv.: ·ANTHONIVS·D·G·LOTHORingiae·ET·BARi·DVX·‡ (R written as 4) Bust right with hairnet and wide hat. Rev.: RENATA·DE·BORBOnIA·LOTHORingiae·ET·BARi·DVCISSA·:· Portrait of Renée de Bourbon to the left with hood.
Teston 1545, Nancy. Ø 28 mm, 9,45 g. Cat.Boudeau 1517 ; de Saulcy pl.17/fig.8. Obv.: +FRANCISCVS·∂ei·Gratia·LOTHOҰ(r)ingia·Bar·Z(et)·GueL∂rie:∂ux Rev.: MONETA·NANCEII·CVSA "Money minted in Nancy"
Look at the painting [] without further information. |
Cast bronze medal ca. 1545 (?) Ø 36 mm. de Saulcy pl.18/fig.20. Specimen of the Frick Collection, N.Y., Gift of Stephen K. and Janie Woo Scher, 2016. Obv.: KAROLI·D:G·LO - TOR·BAR:GEL·DVX Effigy of the young Duke to the right, holding a pair of gloves in his right. Rev.: Four angels hold the complete coat of arms of Lorraine under a crown. Exergue: *A(E)NDVRER·PO / VR·RECOVVR / IRE French meaning "Endure to recover".
Teston n. d., Nancy. Ø 27 mm, 9,14 g. de Saulcy pl.19/fig.7; Flon 628/7. Obv.: ‡CAROlus·Dei:Gratia:CALabriae·LOThARringiae·Barri·GEL(d)riae·DVX "Charles by the grace of God, Duke of Calabria, Lorraine, Bar, Guelders" Crowned bust of the young duke in armor facing left. Rev.: ‡MONETA·NOVA·NANCEI·CVSA "New money minted in Nancy" Crowned quartered coat of arms: above Hungary/Anjou-Naples and Jerusalem/OldProvence(Aragón), below Anjou/Geldern and Flanders/Bar, inescutcheon placed in the middle: Lorraine.
1/4 Teston n. d. (1562-1574), Nancy. Ø 22 mm, ca.2,3 g. de Saulcy Tf.19/fig.9. Obv.: ‡CAROlus·Dei:Gratia:CALlabriae·LOTARringiae·Barri·GEL(d)riae·DVX Rev.: As before, but shield between ‡ (cross of Lorraine, symmetrical patriarchal cross).
Thaler 1557, Nancy. Ø 40 mm, 28,91 g. de Saulcy pl.19/fig.10; Dav.9384. Traces of an overstrike. Obv.: +CAROL9:D:G:CALAbriae:LOTHOaringiae:BARri:GVELdriae:DVX Bareheaded bust in jewelry armor to the right. Rev. crowned coat of arms of Lorraine surrounded by 7 coats of arms, below the claim split arms of Guelders and Flanders between the date 15 - 57.
Thaler n. d. (1559), Nancy. Ø 38 mm, 28,90 g. de Saulcy pl.20/fig.1; Dav.9386A; Flon 39. Obv.: ‡CARO·D·G·CALabriae·LOTHOringiae·BARri·GELdriae·DVX - Bareheaded bust in armor. Rev.: ·MONETA·NOVA·NANCEI·CVCA - Crowned shield.
Thaler 1569, Nancy. Ø 40 mm, 28,60 g. de Saulcy pl.20/fig.2; Dav.9385; Flon 60. Obv.: ‡CARO·D·G·CAL·LOTHO·BAR·GEL·DVX - Bareheaded bust in armor to the right. Rev.: Similar to before. Heraldic wreath clockwise: Jerusalem, Aragón, Bar, Geldern, Anjou, Alt-Ungarn, Anjou-Neapel.
Double Pistole o. J. (1581-1608), Nancy. Ø ? mm. de Saulcy - (23/1-2), Flon -; Friedb.-. CAROL·D·G·CAL·LOTH·B·GEL·DVX DA MIHI·VIRTute·CONTRA (*) HOSTes TVOs "Give me strength against thy enemies" with mintmark (*) = G = Nicolas Gennetaire.
Teston n. d., Nancy. Ø 28 mm, 8,9 g. de Saulcy pl.23/fig.6. ·CAROL·D·G·CAL·LOTH·B·GEL·DVX· // ‡MONETA·NOVA*NANCEII·CVSA * = G = Gennetaire.
Thaler 1575, Nancy. Ø 40 mm. de Saulcy as pl.21/fig.2; Dav.9389; Flon 84. ·CARO·D·G·CAL·LOTH·B·GEL·DVX - 1575 // MONETA✴NANCEII✴CVCA
Teston 1581, Nancy. Ø 28 mm, ca.9,1 g. de Saulcy pl.22/fig.2; Flon 98. CAROLVS·D·G·CAL·LOTH·B·GEL·DVX // ·MONETA·NOVA F NANCEI·CVSA "Neue Münze, geprägt in Nancy" - Mz. F = Jean Ferry. See the watercolor around 1556, 23x34 cm by François Clouet (around 1515-72) [Chantilly, musée Condé]
Bishopric of Metz
Thaler 1551, Vic-sur-Seille (Écu). Ø 39 mm, 28,43 g. Dav.9559; Flon 758/2. Obv.: +ROBERTVS·CARD·DE·LENONCOVRT·5I - Bearded bust with hooded coat to the right. Rev.: ·SANCTVS·STEPHANVS·METENSIS·Ꮺ St. Stephan with line-shaped halo kneels turned left between two small coats of arms. The bishops of Metz were formally heads of the city of Metz, but had their residence moved Compare a later engraving, 13x9 cm, Wikipedia and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. |
Thaler with his title and portrait where minted in Metz in 1557-59 during the term of office
Taler 1558 B , Vic-sur-Seille. Ø mm, 28.50 g. Schulten 2120; Dav.9560A. Obv.: +CAROLVS:C:D:LOTHO:S:IMP:PRIN: - Bust to the right. Rev.: ·S·STEPHANVS· - ·PROTHOMAR· - St. Stephen stands from the front holding a stone and a palm branch in a double lined oval. Below the date 1559 and B (mintmaster's mark). |
• F. de Saulcy : Recherches sur les monnaies des ducs héréditaires de Lorraine. Metz, 1841 (Google-online) • D. Flon : Histoire monétaire de la Lorraine et des Trois Évêchés. Nancy 2002 • Henry Bogdan : La Lorraine des ducs - Sept siècles d'histoire. Perrin, 2005/07 |