Margravate Saluzzo
Ludovico II, 1475-1504 Margherita di Foix (1473-1536), regent 1504-21 Francesco di Saluzzo, 1529-37 |
The Margraviate of Saluzzo is located in the headwaters of the river Po, bordering Savoy in the east and France in the west. It was created in 1142 by agreement between France and Savoy, and was raised to a margraviate in 1175 by Emperor Frederick I (Barbarossa). When the ruling dynasty Del Vasto became extinct in 1548, Saluzzo fell to France. In 1601 it came to Savoy in exchange for Bresse, the westernmost part of the Duchy of Savoy. |
![]() Doppio ducato, Carmagnola. Ø 28 mm, 6,93 g. CNI 55/4; RM 99/1; Friedb.154. Obv.: +·LVDOVICVS·Marchio·S A - LVTIARVM·:· - armored bust to the left, beret with button. Rev.: ·SANCTVS:CONSTANTIVS·:· - crowned eagle with arms of Saluzzo on the breast. The coat of arms of Saluzzo consists of a white field under a blue chief.
![]() Ducato, Carmagnola. Ø 23 mm, 3,46 g. CNI 57/19; RM 100/3var; Friedb.155. Obv.: ·LVdovicus·Marchio·SA - LVTIARum - armored bust to the left, beret without button. Rev.: SANCTVS - CONSTANTI- V inclined arms of Savoy under a crown, on which a crowned eagle is sitting; at the sides the initials ·L· - ·M.
![]() Cavalotto n. d., Carmagnola. Ø 28 mm, 3,59 g. CNI 63/81; RM 103/10; MIR 126. Obv.: +·LVDOVICVS·M·S - ALVTIARVM· - effigy to the left, beret with button. Rev.: S - ANCT':CONSTANT - IVS·:· - St. Constantius with banner on horseback to the right.
![]() Cavalotto n. d., Carmagnola. Ø 28 mm, 4,00 g. CNI 60/46-95; RM 103/10; MIR 126. Obv.: +·LVDOVICVSV·M·SA - LVTIARVM - armored bust with beret to the left. A double strike misshaped letter M of the legend and the inner circle at 5h. Rev.: SANCT:C - O - NSTA - N - TIVS - St. Constantius with banner and on horseback. The inner circle was drawn on the die with a pair of compasses but was not completely hammered out.
![]() Cornuto or Grosso da 12-15 soldi, Carmagnola. Ø 28 mm, 7,98 g. CNI 58/28var; RM 99/6(Obv.)-8(Rev.); MIR 124var. Obv.: ·+·LVDOVICus'·MARCHIO·'SALVTIARvum - armored bust with beret to the left. Rev.: SANCTVS·CONSTANTIVS · inclined arms of Savoy under a crown, on which a crowned eagle is sitting; at the sides the initials ·L· - ·M. The obverse is from a Cornuto-die (RM 6), the reverse is from a Grosso-die (RM 8).
![]() Tallero 1503, Carmagnola. Ø 43 mm, 38,76 g. CNI p.69 n.138; RM p.105 n.14; MIR 135; Dav.8257. Obv.: +LVDOVICVS·MARCHIO·ET·MARGARITA·De·FOIS·Marchionisa·Salucarum Effigy of Ludovico and Margherita di Foix, face to face; date 1503 below. Ludovico wears the collar of the French Order of Saint Michael (linked scallop shells). Rev.: +SI·DEVS·PRO·NOBIS·QVIS·CONTRA·NOS·J JC "If God is for us who can be against us?" J JC [JC ligated] = ? Crowned eagle with a shield on the breast: Saluzzo | Foix/Béarn. Arms of Saluzzo: white field under blue chief.
Arms of Foix (Northeast of the Pyrenees): three red piles on a yellow ground. Arms of Béarn (Northwest of the Pyrenees): two red cows on a yellow ground.
![]() Tallero da 40 grossi 1516. Ø 45 mm, 37,85 g. CNI 71/1; RM 107/1; Dav.8259; Scher 34. Obv.: ✠MARGARITA·DE·FVXO·MARCHIONISA·SALVCIARum Tutrix et Curatrix I5I6 Bust with long widow's veil to the left. Rev.: ✥DEVS·PROTECTOR·ET·REFVGIVM·MEVM·J JC "God my protector and my refuge" J JC [JC ligated] = ? Leafless tree with exposed roots (for the deceased husband), with dove and hanging shield.
![]() Testone n. d. Ø 29 mm, ca. 9 g. CNI 89/3var; RM 109/1; MIR 152. Obv.: ·FRANCISCVS·M· - SALVCIARVM - armored bust to the left. Rev.: :NON·NOBIS·DOMINE·NON·NOBIS "Not unto us, o Lord, not unto us" Crowned arms of Saluzzo between initials F - S. |
Ref.: ![]() • Corpus Nummorum Italicorum [CNI], vol.II, look at Carmagnola - CNI-Index vol.II ![]() • Ravegnani Morosini, Mario [RM]: Signorie e principati - monete italiane con ritratto, 1450-1796. 1984 Saluzzo: vol.III, p.95 ff. • Varesi, Alberto [MIR]: Monete Italiane Regionali (MIR-2) - Piemonte, Sardegna, Liguria, Corsica. Ed.Varesi, 1996 |