Italian contemporaries
Farnese in Parma and Piacenza Pier Luigi II Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza 1545-47Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza 1547-86 |
![]() Mezzo grosso n. d., Castro. Ø 17 mm, 0,48 g. CNI XIV 249/37; RM 260/1. Obv.: ··Petrus·LOYSIVS·FARnesius· - bust in armor to the left. Rev.: ·DVX· / CASTRI / ¤I¤ "first Duke of Castro" bordered by bellflowers.
![]() Medal about 1546 by Gian Federigo Bonzagni, on the construction of the citadel of Piacenza. Æ gilded embossing, Ø 39 mm, 38,4 g. Kress 375; Armand I, 222,6; Toderi-Vannel 2124. Obv.: ·Petrus·LOYSIVS·Farnesius·PARMae·ET·PLACentiae·DVX·I· - Bust to right, in cuirass and mantle, under the lion's head on the shoulder, the signature: Ioannes Federicus PARMensis Rev.: ·AD·CIVITATis·DITIONISQue·TVTELam·MVNIMentum· - EXTRVCTVM· "Fortification built for the protection of state and authority" Bird view of the citadel together with elevation view of the entrance gate at the river. The occasion was the conversion of the old fortress of Piacenza in a modern citadel since November 1545.
![]() Testone 1553, Parma. Ø 28 mm, 4,86 g. CNI IX 438/19; RMi I 263/4; MIR 931/2. Obv.: ·OCTAVIVS·FARnesius·PARarmae·Et·PLAcentiae·DVX·II· "Ottavio Farnese, second Duke of Parma and Piacenza" armored bust right; below the date ·1552· and an A in a circle. Rev.: ·PAΔIA·ΔEΠEITA·XAΛEΠHΠEP·EOYΣA· with Greek letters = PADIA·DEPEITA·CALEPHPER·EOUSA "looks slightly, while it is difficult" Hercules with club and lion skin from the front, showing with his right hand on a mountain.
... and 21 years later, after such a difficult start ... ![]() Mezzo scudo 1574, Parma. Ø 35 mm, 17,46 g. CNI IX 445/77; RM 262/2; MIR 929 [as scudo: Dav.8342] Obv.: OCTAVIVS FAR PAR ET PLA DVX·II - armored bust from the front, head to the left Rev.: ISTIS - 1574 - DVCIBVS "1574 under these leaders" three Graces (beauty, spirit and grace) standing on the coat of arms of Parma, a cross.
The date appears here in a prominent and unusual place, as part of the legend.
These pieces worth whole and half scudos were issued for the 50th birthday of the Duke. The three "leaders" testify a pleasant reign around 1574th. The dies for the reverse were still in good state, when they were used by the successor Alessandro in 1588.
![]() Quarto di scudo n. d. (1577-82), Parma. Ø 27 mm, 8,85 g. CNI IX 448/88; RM 262/3; MIR 930/2. Obv.: ᕠOCTAV·F·PA·ET·PL·DVX·II - bust to the right. Rev.: Christ sitting right holds a crown over the head of the kneeling Virgin. Above a dove. Exergue: winged head of an angel between L - S (Lelio Scajoli, mint master 1577-82). Also occurring with the signature P - C (Pellegrino Carretta, mint master 1573-77).
![]() Parpagliola n. d., Parma. Æ, Ø 22 mm, 2,32 g. CNI IX 451/124; RM 264/5; MIR 942. Obv.: *OCT·FAR·PAR·ET·PLA·D·II - draped bust right. Rev.: INTER·LILIA - ·PARma· "between lilies: Parma" bull between lilies, symbol of Farnese. Exergue: ·L·S· (Lelio Scajoli, mintmaster 1577-82).
![]() Sesino n. d., Parma. Ø 15 mm, 1,09 g. CNI 457/179; RM 266/9; MIR 950. Obv.: OCTAV· - FAR· - Bust in armor right. Rev.: PARma·ET· - PLAcentia·Dux·II - Female figure (Parma) with shield and lance. A variant of this coin carries on the obverse the matching legend to the female figure:
PARma COLonia CIVitatis ROMAnorum "Parma, colony of the city of Rome", founded in 183 BC. Piacenza ![]() 2 Doppie (quadrupla) 1586, Piacenza. Ø 30 mm, 13,18 g. CNI IX 591/18; RM 267/11; MIR 1116/4; Friedb.893. Obv.: (lily) OCTAVIVS·FAR·PLA·ET·PAR·DVX·II· - Bust to the right. Rev.: ·PLACENTIA·FLORET· "Piacenza flourish" - she-wolf standing left, behind lilies, crown on top, at the bottom signature ·P·C· (Paolo Campi, mint master 1583-84) and date 1586. The reverse presents a prospering city (she-wolf) due to Farnese (lilies with ducal crown).
![]() Ducatone n. d.(1572-82), Piacenza. Ø 41 mm, 32,07 g. CNI IX 593/31; RM 268/14; MIR 929; Dav.8355. Obv.: OCT·FAR·PLAC·ET·PAR·DVX·II armored bust from the front, head to the left, below three lilies. Rev.: PLACentia·ROMANor·COLONia "Placentia, a Roman colony" [founded in 218 BC.] Personification of Piacenza holding cornucopia and lily in the hands; aside the personification of the river Po with one hand on the source vessel. Exergue: ·A·C· (Andrea Casalino, engraver 1474-97). The welfare of the city of Piacenza is connected here to the family of the Farnese.
![]() Ducatone 1583, Piacenza. Ø 40 mm, 31,57 g. CNI IX 589/9; RM 269/15; Dav.8353. Obv.: ·OCT·FAR·PLAcentia·ET·PARma·DVX·II· "... second duke of Piacenza and Parma" Bust in armor from the front, bearded head to the left, below the date 1583. Rev.: ·PLACENTIA·ROMANOR·COLONIA - Crowned Farnese coat of arms between the arms of Piacenza: dice and she-wolf. Laterally below P - C (Paolo Campi, mint master).
![]() Mezzo ducatone, n. d., Piacenza. Ø 36 mm, 18,49 g. CNI IX 593/33var; RM 270/17; MIR 1124. Obv.: ♠OCT·FAR·PLACENTIÆ·Z·PARM·DVX·II - Bust left, in armor with ruff. Rev.: PLACENtia· - ROMAN· - OR·COLOnia "Piacenza, a Roman colony" Crowned Farnese coat of arms; to the sides: city arms (cube and she-wolf). Piacenza was founded as a Roman Colonia Placentia.
![]() Quarto di ducatone (Testone / 6 lire) 1584, Piacenza. Ø 28 mm, 7,92 g. CNI IX - [1586: 591/22 tv.38/7]; RM 271/21; MIR 1127/2. Obv.: OCTAVIVS·FAR·PLA·ET·PAR·DVX·II - head to the right. Rev.: PLACentia·RO - MAnor·COLOnia "Placentia, a Roman colony" crowned arms (as before) between two city-arms (cube and she-wolf) and P - C (Paolo Campi, mint master); below date I5 - 84.
![]() Parpagliola 1577, Piacenza. Ø 22 mm, 2,25 g. CNI IX 601/26; RM 272/22; MIR 1135/24. Obv.: OCTavio·Pater·ET ALExander·Figlio·Parmae et Piacentiae Busts of Ottavio and his son Alexander to the left. Rev.: FELix·SVB - HISpanis·PLACentia "Piacenza happy among Spain" A Spanish military base remained in Piacenza until 1585.
This coin type dates from 1565 to 1586 and was issued for local use.
![]() Bronze medal n. d. by Gian Federigo Bonzagna (I. F. Parmensis) Ø 31 mm, 22,2 g. Armand I,223,11; Attwood 956. Obv.: OCTAVIVS·Farnese·PARMa·ET·PLACentia·DVX II Bust to the left. Under the shoulder signature ·I·F·P· Rev.: CVM·DIIS·NON·CONTEN - DENDVM· "do not quarrel with the gods" Apollo with lyre beside the chained Marsyas.
Ref.: ![]() • Corpus Nummorum Italicorum [CNI]: vol.IX (Parma & Piacenza) and vol.XIV (Castro) • Ravegnani Morosini, Mario [RM]: Signorie e principati - monete italiane con ritratto, 1450-1796, 1984 - Farnese: vol.1, p.255 ff. • Alberto Varesi: Monete Italiane Regionale [MIR]: Emilia |